
Spanish Ministry

Lighthouse Baptist Church has a Spanish ministry that reaches out to the Hispanic people in the area. We have Spanish people from Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and even a few from Puerto Rico. The Spanish population is slowly growing and we are now seeing the mission field come to us.

Iglesia Bautista Lighthouse has a full Spanish church program. We have Sunday school and two services on Sunday and a midweek service on Wednesday night. The services are in Spanish and we have seen hundreds receive Christ as their Savior. Most converts hear the Gospel in their own Spanish language. There are many Spanish people that speak little English or no English at all that are attending services and receive Bible teaching and preaching in their native tongue.

We would like to invite you to come and visit our Spanish work at any of our services and encourage you to let us know of any Spanish speaking friends you may have in this area!


Clases de Crecimiento  // 10am

Domingo: Culto Matutino // 11:00 am

Domingo: Culto Vespertino // 6:00 pm

Miércoles: Estudio Biblico // 7:00 pm


6335 Swedetown Road N
Theodore, AL 36582

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